Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I was going to write about the time (today) when mom took me to Target and told me I couldn't have my bink (lame) but that she'd put it in her pocket just in case (and I trusted her) and then when we came out of Target we saw the bink.  On the ground in the parking lot.  Squished by a car.  And I cried out "bubby bubby bubby" all the way home.
But mom says not to dwell on the past.

So instead I'll show you my awesome stair skills.  I'm still not quite an expert about going down more than a couple.  Sometimes I forget about focusing and try to stand and chatter.  But I know how not to fall down head first and I think that's a solid start.

1 comment:

  1. Will you come teach Parker? I've been trying for months on the stairs, couch, chair. Won't do backwards.
