Sunday, January 1, 2012


I'm a few days late but it's time for my twenty update.  As always, lots of pictures so you don't get too bored with my rambling.  So here goes!  And hey, I'm on the home stretch to TWO YEARS OLD now.  Awesome.

Hmm, let's see.  Twenty isn't too different than nineteen.  Reading is still my favorite thing in the whole world and I still love Ruby, but I have some more favorites, like Arthur, Clifford and Little Critter.  Mom and dad got me a bunch of grown up picture books and I love them so much more than board books.  They make me feel like a sophisticated toddler-peep.

I love playing with all my guys, especially my baby and Minnie because they have diapers I can change!  I don't love when mom interrupts my studying to try and get me to smile for pictures.  Lame.

I have eight (!) teeth.  Three on top, three on the bottom and two molars that have barely poked through.  Since four came in all at once, I had a bit of a drippy snout and diaper rash but I'm all better now.  I am an expert tooth brusher and no longer feel that mom's brushing skills are a form of primitive torture.

I'm growing pretty big.  I wear mostly 18 month clothes but some 24 month/2T.  Giant.  I even moved to size 5 for my night diapers (after a few too many unfortunate morning leaks).

But my biggest news?  No more bottles!  I know, I know, you never thought it would happen.  One day mom was all, "No more bottles, Juj!" and I was all, "Why don't you love me?"  But I put on a brave face and didn't even protest, except for a temporary milk strike.  I missed my milk though, so now I use my sippy cup like a big toddler-peep.  Just to be clear, I will NOT give up bink that easily.

I am full of chatters and have a lot of 3-4 word "sentences."  I can pretty much say anything.  Like today I said, "Mama all done phone, okay?  Read it."  She can't always be working, sometimes we need to read Ruby for the eleventieth time.  My color skills are improving but blue is my best color.  My number skills are improving but two is my best number.  I can identify the letters I, O and A and I'm working on the rest.  Dad is pretty sure I'll learn to read this year.  I'm pretty sure I already know how.

I'm still a pretty great eater.  My favorites are bread products, yogurt, cheese, broccoli, carrots, mac-a (!), pancakes, berries, and bagels (!!!).  I'll eat turkey and chicken but I'm still a vegetarian-peep a lot of the time.  I LOVE cookies.

I try and read anything I find.  Even my feet.

I love watching TV.  When I wake up in the morning I watch in mom and dad's bed.  Right now I like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but I'm open to nearly anything.

I think that's about it!  I spend my days coloring, reading, playing toys, going to school and playing with friends.  And this week I start gym class!

I love being twenty!  I know what you're thinking though - I don't look a day over nineteen!

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