Thursday, June 2, 2011


Yesterday my new friend Stella called me and was all, "Hey Juj, I've heard so much about you, I think it's time we meet and play!"  I was super excited - my mom helped Stella pick a new house for her family and I've been so excited to finally hang out with her! 

I knew that Stella and I would get along really well.  We both like to scamper, chatter and she loves boobie-flavored boobie too!  Anyway, we picked a park by Stella's new house so she could get to know the neighbors and any cute boy babies in the neighborhood.

We decided if we wanted to meet the kids in the neighborhood, we better practice our sharing skills.  Mom is always yammering on about sharing.  So first I shared Stella's water. 

Next we shared some cool sticks.

Stella tried to share my fluff but I told her she had to grow her own.

Stella shared her sand with me.  I don't really like sand but I tried to accept it graciously.

And then it happened.  Stella wanted to share my keys.

I was all, "Umm, sorry Stella, I totally would let you see my keys but since you're three weeks younger than me, you can't play with keys yet."

I let her hold my hand instead.  She wasn't impressed. 

Stella was all, "How about if I scratch your back?  Then can I see the keys??"  She's a pretty good back scratcher but I decided to just hold onto the keys.  For the entire time I was at the park.

Thankfully Stella stopped asking for my keys after I said no for the eleventieth time.  And we had a great time playing together.

I love parks.  And new friends.  And keys.

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