Saturday, May 21, 2011

Catching Up

Man Peeps, I'm so behind again.  I've been so busy hosting playdates I haven't had time to work on my blogging skills.  So, here's a mish-mash of catch-up pictures.

The other day I was eating my veggies and peanut butter sandwich and mom was all, "Umm Juj, you don't have to feed your fur."

I just laughed at her - I don't know what she was talking about!

My friend Saga came over to play.  I shared my magnets with her and we played with all my toys.  She's a really great dancer and super fun to play with.  She's mega smart too - she knows English and Swedish.  I only know English and squawk.

You know my babies that come to play?  They got me a present for my birthday!

They thought that since I love taking care of them, I needed a baby of my own to snorgle!

The baby is pretty cool, but I really love her bottle.  I tasted it right away.  It's not boobie-flavored, but that doesn't seem to upset my baby.

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