Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hi Peeps!  Guess what - today I'm thirteen months old!!  Mom thought that since my baby book is, well, for babies and doesn't have a spot for thirteen, I should do a little update here so that we can remember when I'm a preschooler-peep.

So let's see.  Now that I'm thirteen I am practically grown up.  My tongue is still busy though.  And it loves to eat!  I love pasta and peanut butter sandwiches and berries and cheese and pasta and yogurt and veggies and pasta and pancakes with syrup!  But don't worry, I still love boobie-flavored boobies the best.

I can walk all over the place but sometimes I do crawling skills, you know, just to mix things up.

I am a very good sleeper-peep.  I take two naps a day, usually each about 1.5 hours long.  At night I sleep about ten or eleven hours, have some milk, and then sleep another hour.

I love playing toys, reading books, going for walks and playing at the park.  I still take swimming lessons too.  I'm practically an expert swimmer.

I'm a very happy toddler-peep.  I love to snorgle mom and dad, give Sister Lab pats and watch The Wiggles and Chica.  I'm learning a lot of stuff too.  I know where my fluff, snout, toes and belly are.  I love to wave at squirrels and ducks and birds and flowers.  And I'm probably the best dancer ever.

I love to chatter!  Here are a few of my chatters.  I also can say puppy, mama, baby and my favorite - car!  I talk about my little red car all day long.  It's my favorite. 
And the elephant in the room - I still have no teeth.  Not one.  I'm not even sure what a tooth is so can't see why I would need them!

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